
Memorial Day 2023

After almost three months without a federal holiday in the United States, are you ready for the return of the three-day weekend?Thanks to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968, which moved several federal holidays to Monday dates to create such weekends for federal employees, Memorial Day always falls on … »
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Shavuot 2023

Shavuot (meaning “oaths” or “weeks” in Hebrew), sometimes called the Festival of Weeks, is a major holiday in Judaism, taking place seven weeks after the first seder of Pesach/Passover. It is a two-day celebration that this year starts at sundown on Thursday, May 25 and ends at sundown on Saturday, … »
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Mother’s Day 2023

Mother’s Day is celebrated worldwide, in many different ways. In the United States, the holiday falls on every second Sunday in May — this year being Sunday, May 14.The American version of the holiday was first observed in 1908. Commonly observed customs include giving one’s mother or mother figure, such … »
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Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo (“Fifth of May) is a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, its country of origin. Día de la Independencia/El Grito de Independencia (“Independence Day”/“The Cry of Independence”) is a much more important occasion on par with the United States’ Fourth of July, celebrated on September 16 in honor … »
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