Gravity International Programs Inc.

News by category

Polar Bear Plunge

New Year’s Day is traditionally considered a time of renewal and opportunity: the chance to get a clean slate and reinvent yourself with the new year. As such, many traditions and symbols have sprung up around New Year’s, but none quite so cold as the Polar Bear Plunge.The Polar Bear … »
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Ellis Island Day

New York City’s Ellis Island, located in New York Harbor near the Statue of Liberty, has stood as a symbol of welcome and a new start since 1892. Though it has been defunct as an immigration center since 1954, it remains open for touring as a historical location through the … »
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Holiday Self-Care

Statistically, the Christmas season is the most stressful of the year for many Americans. Common stressors, according to studies performed by organizations such as MedHealth and the American Psychological Association, include:●     Lack of money●     Lack of time●     Pressure to buy presents/chaotic shopping environments●     Preparation for parties or family events (cleaning, cooking, traveling, etc.)●     Anticipating conflict … »
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Why Are Christmas Colors Red and Green?

Now that the Christmas season is here, you’re probably seeing red and green decorations and merchandise all over the place. These colors aren’t just the ones scientifically proven to be the most striking to the human eye when put together, though that may be the reason they stand out more … »
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