This year, Easter Sunday is April 9.
Easter is one of the most important holidays in Christian tradition. Following Lent, a period of fasting and solemnity, Easter represents joy and rebirth, marking the Biblical story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is determined by the Gregorian calendar, and takes place annually on the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the Spring Equinox.
This year, Easter Sunday falls on April 9, 2023.
Other related Christian holidays leading up to Easter are determined by the date of Easter Sunday: for instance, Palm Sunday takes place a week before Easter, and Good Friday takes place two days before Easter.

Often, church services on Easter Sunday are some of the longest of the year. Customarily, parents will leave brightly colored baskets full of candy, small toys, and other gifts for them to find on Easter morning; younger children will be told that the Easter Bunny brings them.
Candy eggs and chocolate bunnies are popular gifts, since eggs and rabbits are associated with the holiday as symbols of rebirth and new life. Families and friends often get together to paint eggs in colorful, fun designs, and another of the most popular Easter activities is the Easter egg hunt, in which eggs are hidden throughout an area and participants must hunt to find the most eggs. In recent years, the eggs are usually hollow plastic instead of real, sometimes with candy or small prizes to be found inside.
Easter egg hunts for children and adults throughout New York City can be found here. Now that the weather’s getting warmer, it’s a fun outdoor venture!

On Easter Sunday, expect several retail venues such as these to be closed or operating on limited hours. (Some may also be closed for Easter Monday, but this is less common.) Easter is not a federal holiday, so expect government buildings, banks, and transportation to be operating on their usual Sunday hours.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us anytime at Stay safe and healthy!