We’re reaching the home stretch of the 2024 tax season: Tax Day, the day by which all United States taxpayers must either have their state and federal income tax return filed or have applied for an extension, marks its annual deadline on April 15.
As a J-1 exchange visitor to the country, you are subject to federal and state income taxes on the wages you earn in the United States. In order to pay these taxes, you must file income tax returns annually with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You can do this using the W-2 form, which you can receive from your employer or from your sponsor.

J-1 exchange visitors are generally considered non-residents. As such, you will need to report your income using Form 1040-NR (U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return). You must also fill out Form 8843 (Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical Condition) even if you have received no U.S. income. If you are being paid by a foreign employer or if you are coming from a country that has a bilateral income tax treaty with the U.S. concerning students, trainees, teachers, and/or researchers, all or part of your income may be exempt from taxation.
More information on taxation of J-1 exchange visitors can be found here: https://www.irs.gov/individuals/taxation-of-alien-individuals-by-immigration-status-j-1

You may be eligible for free tax return preparation and filing services: see here and here for more information. Contact the IRS for assistance and further information on the tax filing process here.
On rare occasions, such as last year’s tax day, the deadline can be moved ahead by a day or so. This year, taxpayers living in Maine and Massachusetts will have until April 17 to file, due to the local Patriot’s Day and Emancipation Day holidays, but the standard deadline applies to residents of all other states.
If you will be unable to file your taxes by Monday, April 15, you must file a Form 4868 by the deadline instead to request a six-month extension (you will still be required to estimate and pay the amount you owe in taxes by April 15, however). Successfully filing for an extension will push your filing deadline back to October 15, 2024.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact us anytime at info@gravityintprog.com. Stay safe and healthy!