On July 28, 1951, the United Nations held a special conference to establish the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, which defined the legal status of a refugee, set standards for the acceptable treatment and legal rights of those who qualify as refugees, and grants certain benefits to refugees to ease their travel, protect their assets, and more. These standards were established to support the millions of people worldwide displaced from their homes by the First and Second World Wars.
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of this treaty, in 2001 the United Nations General Assembly went on to declare June 20 World Refugee Day, which has been annually recognized ever since. The date was originally known as African Refugee Day, before the new holiday was established to coincide with it and acknowledge the stories of refugees around the world.

Also known as National Refugee Day and International Refugee Day in certain areas, World Refugee Day is intended to raise awareness of the needs of the currently 110 million refugees, stateless persons, and forcibly displaced people worldwide. The United Nations and many nonprofit organizations around the world dedicated to helping these groups use this day especially to advocate for refugees, recognizing and honoring their strength and courage in the face of horrific violence, and hold charitable events to support them in their communities.
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