From Halloween to New Year’s Eve, the holiday season comes with plenty of opportunities to get out there and party. Often, with the festivities comes alcohol, and while some indulgence can be nice, it’s more important than ever to take care of your health in a time when excessive drinking is notably on the rise. This, combined with many New Year’s resolutions to pursue healthier lifestyles, is why the Dry January challenge is so well timed.
Dry January, also known as Dryanuary, is a global wellness trend in which participants’ goal is to abstain from alcohol for all 31 days of January. Though the practice of organized abstinence has earlier roots, such as 1942 Finland’s Raitis Tammikuu, or “Sober January,” the practice as it is popularized today has its origins in the United Kingdom. In 2013, the organization Alcohol Change UK began their official public health campaign encouraging people worldwide to abstain for a month and reevaluate their relationship with alcohol, reporting hundreds of thousands of participants worldwide.

Studies show that the health benefits of reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption include but are not limited to:
● Increased quality of sleep and energy
● Improved memory
● More balanced mood
● Stronger immune system
● Decreased blood sugar and blood pressure
● Decreased risk of cancers, cardiovascular disease, and liver disease
● Decreased risk of stroke
● Repairs damage to the liver caused by excessive alcohol consumption
● Weight loss
Though it was long believed that moderate alcohol consumption could be beneficial to the heart, according to more recent research there are no health benefits to consuming any amount of alcohol.
Individuals with alcohol use disorder (also known as alcoholism) at risk of experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms if they participate in Dry January should consult their health care provider before cutting themselves off from alcohol all at once without a treatment plan, as this can have negative effects on their health. Dry January is most likely to benefit social or moderate drinkers.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us anytime at Stay safe and healthy!